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New OpenCockpit CDU

Started by tennyson, August 12, 2012, 07:09:37 PM

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I just received my new OC Version 3.0 CDU from OC this morning and I'm trying to get it going with SimA.

I know that the OC stuff uses SIOC scripts and I've downloaded the software, but I'm having trouble getting my head around it.

Anybody have any experience with this stuff and can help?

By the way, for less than 500 bucks, this is the best manufactured unit I've seen. It has integrated backlit buttons, the screen comes up as 1024 x768 native and it has a nice solid feel to it.

I've only bought the one at the moment, but provided I can get it operational, I'll be updating my 2 current first gen FDS cdu's with these babies.

Frank Cooper


Hi, welcome to the nightmare that is sioc, I could never get my head around having to alter lines in scripts etc. just to get things to work, after  months of struggling I gave up and sold all my open cockpits stuff, best move I ever made, went with cp flight/engravity, they cost more, but for ease of setup/ quality you cannot beat it!


Quote from: hirail22 on August 13, 2012, 04:34:30 AM
they cost more, but for ease of setup/ quality you cannot beat it!

Hum... , maybe you can!   ;)

About SIOC (Self Inflicted Overwhelming Complexity)
Check with David (Ford GT40) he can make it go through a pin hole!.



I started that way also but soon realized cheaper is not always better.  Got rid of mine and went with FDS units.  They may cost twice as much but IMHO they are worth twice what they cost!

Also virtually plug n play.   Not knocking open cockpits as I like their cards and SIOC is very powerful but if you don't know how to code in SIOC....return the thing and get the FDS unit.   You will thank me later.



Just a follow up here, guys.

Thank you jack for your help. I got on to Dave, who was very helpful and between us I worked it out.

It was a simple mistake in the end and nothing to do with SIOC. I had input the wrong Ip address for the CDU to communicate to. As soon as I realised that it wanted the IP address for the wired network, it sprang to life.
All in all, I'm one happy camper and now having worked out the secret to getting them operational, I'll be even happier when my second unit arrives.

Thanx for the help, guys,

Frank Cooper

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