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Visuals Set Up

Started by usafgadget, January 21, 2011, 02:23:08 PM

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I have a question for those that have run three monitors for outside visuals.

Obviously FS defaults the view centered on the left seat.  That means that my center monitor covers all of the left window.  My left monitor reflects the left quarter window and the right monitor reflects the right hand side or right forward window (FO).  This assumes a zoom range of 60-80%.  So given that my view is left centered, my left monitor should be positioned at an angle, and the center and right monitors flat right?  I'm only building the left hand side of the cockpit anyways (no one for the right seat).  If I leave them all flat the left view is distorted and if I angle both the left and right monitors then the right view is not depicted correctly.

Of course I know about moving the eye-point but that will skew my sight line from the left seat and put the bezels directly in line of sight.

I am restricted by space from using projectors.

Does this make sense to anyone?  I wanted to run it my some of you before I start fabricating my cockpit shell.


You can accelerate out of any problem.


Hi Chris.

I am having issues with my GPU's/monitors at present (see my thread 'lost my monitors') but I also have three 22" wide screen monitors for my outside views.

The centre monitor is directly in front of me and I keep the default centre view on this one. I zoom in 3 clicks on the + key to get the whole front left window to fill the monitor with just the top of the cockpit showing. The left monitor is angled back towards me so once I have dragged, resized and zoomed and positioned the view, it continues from the centre monitor to give the left window post roughly where the two monitors abut each other and the horizon is level. The right monitor has the view incorporating the centre window frame and across the front right cockpit window. The centre and right monitors are flat with each other which does leave a slight upward distortion to the right but I can live with that until I can afford to branch out on a projector - if I too have the room - but that is some way off yet.

Hope that helps a little.

O'h yes, my views are really based on the 737 but you can jiggle around with the views to get the same results with any aircraft.

Gary Buss
Intel E8500, EVGA NF780i mobo, 8 GB DDR2 ram, 500GB SATA2 HD, TH2Go, 3 X NVIDIA GF9800 GT 512mb GPU's, 780W PSU, Vista 64 home, 3 X HANNS-G 22" monitors.
Running - FSX, FSUIPC/WideFS, FSX Booster, FSXpand, SIOC and numerous add on aircraft and utilities.


We are using only one streched, fully back zoomed front view in our sim. This way it runs smoothly and when zoomed all the way back you gain enough sideviews also. Then from panel.cfg /[views] file you can change the seat position by moving it a bit to the left to simulate the pilots seat.

[views] section
eyepoint eyepoint= -3.95, -0.85, 2.1 //This value specifies, in feet, the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical position of the pilot's eyepoint from the aircraft's datum point.


Most of the persons always think that you will need three undocked outside view windows, but you only need one to achieve a visual like this:


Thank you for explaining this. I asked for some more details in the thread "FSX, TripleHead & Nthusim...".
I appreciate your info and the videos are wonderful.
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


Quote from: Vectro on January 24, 2011, 10:25:29 AM

Most of the persons always think that you will need three undocked outside view windows, but you only need one to achieve a visual like this:

While I agree your views look nice please take note that your visuals are not correct out the sides because you are not using undocked views.  They are stretched front views going around the sides.   Take some video going down the runway looking straight out the left or right window at 90 degrees and the warping will be very evident.    Just pointing out because by making the above statement you are somewhat giving false impressions.   Those of us using multiple undocked views tried in the past with one as you did zooming out and it doesnt work because it is not a true side view.  It is a really wide front view that is being warped around to the sides and visually does not match reality.   Again, your screens and videos look great but I want to be careful about the information being posted.

Thank you,


Sorry Vectro but I have to agree with Scott.  Your information is a little misleading for those struggling with the 3 projector/3 undocked views dilemma.  As I mentioned in the other thread, I tried the one view method in our commercial sim and while it did work, it didn't give a true picture that was ultimately usable for the real world.  Park on a perpendicular runway and look left and right and see if you can see directly down each runway, I bet you can't.

Let me clarify however that this single wide view is very usable and as long as your not fussed about correct peripheral viewing then its a dream on frame rates as compared to 3 undocked views.


Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair



I totally agree your comments. Our setup works well for GA use but I also understand the limitations.
In GA world most of the flight time is logged in low altitude VFR or IFR so the smooth updating and limitless, non-distortion view is more crusial. I still have to say that it works suprisingly well for us.

Said that, I have also tested multiple undocked views but maybe it was just my lack of experience but I never quite managed to make it work well. So far I've only know one project where it works pretty well:

Last week I had a change to visit Finnair Flight Training Center and fly CAE Airbut A330/340 full motion sim for 30min. I took some video of the visual screen. What suprised me was that the visual is not actually full 180 when sitting in the co-pilots seat. It actually ends up a little bit before the seat position:

In our setup we also run multiple undocked avionics GPS windows under the outside view window. If we would still use multiple outside views I am sure that our computer frame rates would freeze.

This is how the setup looks when you take a printscreen:
(the measures of the zoom and the size and shape of the propeller is not yet right size in this demo picture)


My setup works exactly the same as Ivars and I have very satisfactory framerates (Don and Roberto on this forum can attest to that).   To achieve this in FSX though you need a very powerful setup.   I run two computers.  One is for FSX and the visuals using the YH2Go and the other is for Sim-Avionics (MIP panel views and everything else).    The FSX computer is a highly optimized i7 965 that has been overclocked to 4 Ghz, runs 6 gig DDR3 memory, a single GTX 280 video card, 3 300 gig WD Velociraptor 10K drives on Windows 7.   Obviously a powerful computer.   I also use many addons including REX, GEX, UTX, Megascenery, Aerosoft Fly Tampa Scenery, and Ultimate Traffic 2.      Each of these is optimized as well.    I average around 30-40 fps in most areas and in the 40s at altitude.   When I get into dense citys with lots of scenery like KBOS, KLAX, KORD I do drop in frame rates into the 20-30 range but still no jitters at all and extremely acceptable performance.    In otherwords, it can be done.  You just need the right hardware.   Anyone using a less capable computer will definity have problems with multiple undocked views so be aware of the high computing power needs.   If you have the hardware though, it is an awesome visual setup.   



Thanks Scott and Ken for bringing about some clarification- I was afraid that was the issue. However, I have to agree with Vectro that maybe for the type of simming it is an acceptable issue. It certainly looks good to me. I'd like to see that sim running fluide with 3 undocked- I bet it'd be even more amazing than it already is. Then, put that sim in Orbx areas and it's sim heaven.
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


Ah yes....Orbx.   Don Harrison and I were flying the 737 through the valleys using my setup and Orbx Pacific NA Blue scenery I have installed.   Definitly sim heaven and believe it or not very fluid.    Makes me want to figure out a way to run a small bush plane twin inside the 737 shell for occasional bush flying.    I have PM GAIFR so maybe I will have to run a 6 Pack on my DUs.....haha.



Here are some side view examples. There is just no comparison to one stretched out view. The top view insert shows the plane's position.

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Quote from: XOrionFE on January 25, 2011, 03:04:54 AM
My setup works exactly the same as Ivars and I have very satisfactory framerates (Don and Roberto on this forum can attest to that).   To achieve this in FSX though you need a very powerful setup.   I run two computers.  One is for FSX and the visuals using the YH2Go and the other is for Sim-Avionics (MIP panel views and everything else).    The FSX computer is a highly optimized i7 965 that has been overclocked to 4 Ghz, runs 6 gig DDR3 memory, a single GTX 280 video card, 3 300 gig WD Velociraptor 10K drives on Windows 7.   Obviously a powerful computer.   I also use many addons including REX, GEX, UTX, Megascenery, Aerosoft Fly Tampa Scenery, and Ultimate Traffic 2.      Each of these is optimized as well.    I average around 30-40 fps in most areas and in the 40s at altitude.   When I get into dense citys with lots of scenery like KBOS, KLAX, KORD I do drop in frame rates into the 20-30 range but still no jitters at all and extremely acceptable performance.    In otherwords, it can be done.  You just need the right hardware.   Anyone using a less capable computer will definity have problems with multiple undocked views so be aware of the high computing power needs.   If you have the hardware though, it is an awesome visual setup.   


Hi Scott,

I also have a system well optimized i7920 overclocked to 4.1GHZ 12 GB DDR3 memory, a GTX 285 card , just for the FSX visuals and it is struggling to have decent framerates (8-12)  with a setup for views like yours.  Do you mind to post which is the value you have on the fsx.cfg for PROCSPEED I think it is spelled like that and it is in the MAIN or GRAPHICS area og the cfg file? And what do you think I should do to increase the framerates
Thank you


Here is my fsx.cfg file (although I had to rename it to .txt in order to post)

I want to bring something else up.    I believe I get better framerates than average for one reason and that is because I use a lot of Megascenery and no Autogen.    First, I hate Autogen because I hate these oversized trees the size of 10 story buildings poping up into view all over and I think it destroys the look.    With Megascenery you simply dont need Autogen, IMHO.   I also dont like the way autogen paints buildings and things poping up on the horizon as you fly.     Nick Needham says turning off Autogen is actually detrimental to framerates and that may be the case but I think if you have scenery such a megascenery (and maybe many of the others) it changes the game.     I have all of the Megascenery tiles available in the US today and I purchase more as it comes out.    I love the look from any altitude and in fact flying at altitude is just stunning with Megascenery in comparison to without.     I actually only fly in and out of airports that I have megascenery installed for (or some other scenery such as the Fly Tampa stuff).   I also have all of California, Washington, and half of Oregon covered so I can fly up and down the West Coast of the US and be flying over photorealistic scenery the whole time.   I beleive this is why my framerates are so good.    Note that I am not affiliated with them or have any relationship and this is not meant to be a sales pitch.  Just saying if you havent tried it download one of their free trial tile sets and see if it makes a difference for you.    Also take a look at this little bit on their site about the technology they use.  They basically claim a framerate boost as well.   Maybe this helps....




Thanks Scott, really valuable information and thanks for being so willing to share.  I will definitely take a look at Megascenery.  Would be nice to get similar advice for UK & Europe as a lot of of our flights are in this region.  I am using Ground Environment for both US and Europe but don't really find it very noticable.

Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair


Good Stuff.  I use a bit of Megascenery myself and its great!  They have a ton of sales, so get on their mailing list and you can save 50% when the sales hit (and they hit quite often).
Less than 4 years to retirement......


Quote from: jskibo on January 28, 2011, 03:56:31 AM
Good Stuff.  I use a bit of Megascenery myself and its great!  They have a ton of sales, so get on their mailing list and you can save 50% when the sales hit (and they hit quite often).

Great tip John.   I am on their list and that is exactly what I do also.   I what for the 50% off email and then make a big order.  Just did that last week :-)



Quote from: XOrionFE on January 28, 2011, 03:15:25 AM
Here is my fsx.cfg file (although I had to rename it to .txt in order to post)

I want to bring something else up.    I believe I get better framerates than average for one reason and that is because I use a lot of Megascenery and no Autogen.    First, I hate Autogen because I hate these oversized trees the size of 10 story buildings poping up into view all over and I think it destroys the look.    With Megascenery you simply dont need Autogen, IMHO.   I also dont like the way autogen paints buildings and things poping up on the horizon as you fly.     Nick Needham says turning off Autogen is actually detrimental to framerates and that may be the case but I think if you have scenery such a megascenery (and maybe many of the others) it changes the game.     I have all of the Megascenery tiles available in the US today and I purchase more as it comes out.    I love the look from any altitude and in fact flying at altitude is just stunning with Megascenery in comparison to without.     I actually only fly in and out of airports that I have megascenery installed for (or some other scenery such as the Fly Tampa stuff).   I also have all of California, Washington, and half of Oregon covered so I can fly up and down the West Coast of the US and be flying over photorealistic scenery the whole time.   I beleive this is why my framerates are so good.    Note that I am not affiliated with them or have any relationship and this is not meant to be a sales pitch.  Just saying if you havent tried it download one of their free trial tile sets and see if it makes a difference for you.    Also take a look at this little bit on their site about the technology they use.  They basically claim a framerate boost as well.   Maybe this helps....



Thank you Scott for your tips. can I have Megascenery mixed with Ultimate Terrain, Ground Enveironment and FTX? Can you please comment on that.



Yes, I believe Scott runs those as well with Mega
Less than 4 years to retirement......


I second that notion- it will run fine with those addons. I have them all, except for a lot less MegaScenery like Scott has.
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


The one big negative though for MegaScenery is that the different seasons are not supported unless they have changed that since the last purchase I made a long time ago. I believe the season they picked is Spring and flying in Winter in most of the US or Canada at least would be quite unrealistic.

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


If I want to see snow and be depressed I can look out my window :) 

Must be tough being Jack with snow 13 months a year  :P
Less than 4 years to retirement......


I do run Megascenery along with UTX, GEX, REX, Ultimate Traffic 2, Audio Environment Extreme, Orbx Pacific NA Blue, and I have Fly Tampa Boston  and Hong Kong.  No issues at all.
Actually is is kind of nice taking off from Seattle (KSEA) and flying down to San Fran (KSFO).  The Orbx stuff blends really nice into the megascenery as you transition out of the Orbx coverd area.

Maurice, as for the seasons, Megascenery handles them now.   You get all 4 seasons and night.   I love fall flying and looking at the colors.



Quote from: XOrionFE on January 28, 2011, 10:10:07 AM

Maurice, as for the seasons, Megascenery handles them now.   You get all 4 seasons and night.   I love fall flying and looking at the colors.


Great to know!!! They should revise their FAQ then  :)


Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


And here are some pics that show the colour shift in the 3 views and no colour shift in one zoomed out view

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada



Are there some Mega titles that do not show the seasons (mine do not but they are old). The FAQ states that :" What About Seasons?
It's an almost impossible task to create scenery for all four seasons. The data isn't available and it would quadruple your install size. Most images in Megascenery are taken in the spring and the same scenery will display regardless of whatever season you have set.?

So, do you know if I would I need to buy the same areas again or is there an update to add season's? How can I be sure I don't get the ones with no season's?

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

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