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Pilot Edge Traffic sync in X-Plane Video

Started by XOrionFE, September 29, 2013, 04:11:05 AM

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Last night I took on the challenge of getting my simulator running X-Plane 10 setup to use Pilot Edge for online ATC.   I am sure everyon or most everyone knows whatnPilot Edge is based on previous posts here but in case not you should definitely check out this wonderful service which gives the ultimate in online atc experience for those who wish to train as close to real world as possible.    In any event, i was having some issues seperating my main sound from the ATC sound as well as getting the traffic to sync across 5 screens abd computers and Keith Smith, owner of Pilot Edge was gracious enough to assist me over Skype while he was also handling some of the ATC duties last night.   We eventually were able to get everything worked out and the kinks were all on my end and fairly easy to resolve.   At the end he had me reposition myself at KNID (China Lake) so I could see how good my systems were syncronizing the Pilot Edge generated traffic in the middle of a military training exercise.   The video below shows the results which blew me away.   Check it out and if you haven't yet please checkout Pilot Edge www.pilotedge.com.


737 Cockpit X-plane and Pilot Edge

PS- I am not affiliated and do not work for Pilotedge.   Just a great offering for us which I am highlighting.


What impressed me more than the synchronization of the traffic is the fact that you could actually see these small airplanes that far away in the sky. You would definitely not have seen them if you were still using projectors.

Anyway, hope you finally found peace with this great setup and that you enjoy it as is now. But knowing you, I'm sure you are already thinking about how to improve it even more  :)

By the way, it was very nice to see military traffic generated by Pilot Edge. I imagine they must also be generating commercial traffic at other airports so it does not look like you are in the only plane still flying after aliens have wiped out the world's population  ;D

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Great stuff scott, thanks for sharing.

Rhys b
One wheel landings, tail scrapes... just doing my best!!
737 classic sim. Xplane 10 64bit on 3 i5 pc's. FDS IBL overhead, FDS CDU's & CCU's, Simvionics Panels, CP Flight MCP/EFIS, engravity & homemade MIP, prosim737, project magenta, GLB interior panels.


Hey Scott,

Congratulations of getting the displays sync'd with PilotEdge.  It looks fantastic!

Full-scale 737-800 Sim; P3d v5.3x with Sim-Avionics (two computers), FDS MIP,  FlightIllusion hardware.  3-Optoma ZH406ST Laser HD projectors, with 4K inputs from a single Nvidia RTX-4090 GPU (new), resulting in a 210 deg wrap-around display.  6dof Motion Platform using BFF 6dof motion software, driven by a Thanos Servo Controller to 6.2 KW Servos, Lever type actuators.



You can't stop fiddling with XP10   nice video mate 

I guess pilot edge is for the US only?


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