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New P3D product.

Started by ivar hestnes, March 24, 2012, 03:06:55 AM

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ivar hestnes

Prepar3D have added a new product on their site. It is a academic/home version of prepar3D. For students, people that want to study on P3D at home and so on. But not for commercial use. Price is absolutely affordable. I think we all can afford 50 USD.




Thanks for the info Ivar!

I've read lots of info regarding Prepar3D on different forums before and at this stage I just don't see the reason for P3D install.
What I've got from the messages is that essentially it is for about 80 % the same FSX as of now. The core of the graphical engine is  not rewritten to take full advantage of multicore design and of our current hardware FPS maybe even somewhat lower. We also need to buy the side-by-side (cheaper) licences for corresponding versions of the sceneries/packages that we already have.
I looked at it all and so far cannot justify the change yet. This is just IMHO, however - would be glad to hear other's opinions.



Thanks Ivar sounds like a very affordable option.  Currently I'm on a developer license for P3D and although I trialed the previous initial release and wrote a short appraisal here in the forum I'm now about to install the latest version and begin to move over to it.  The reasons I would opt for P3D in a commercial sense is due to the ongoing development of the product and its commercial appeal.  Seeing the Lockheed Martin logo on screen rather than MS FSX logo gives passengers (customers) a greater professional perspective particularly when you're attracting Emirates pilots for sim assessment.  I do acknowledge that this isn't a factor for most of the members in this forum but besides the ascetic appeal there is at least some application development being done already and many of the FSX foibles have been ironed out in P3D.  The core product can't be changed however without a major rewrite so things like multi-core CPU and shader GPU access aren't possible.  Better than nothing though.

Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair


Quote from: Kennair on March 25, 2012, 01:42:08 PM
The core product can't be changed however without a major rewrite so things like multi-core CPU and shader GPU access aren't possible.  Better than nothing though.


Can you translate that to English please?  :). Here is what I understood: If you think you will get better frame rates, you are totally mistaken. Am I correct?

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


That's correct Maurice, you won't get better frame rates simply because the major changes required such as multi-CPU and the latest graphic card support can't be implemented due to the work involved which would require in effect a whole new code, however you shouldn't get a reduced frame rate either (at least not so far in my tests).   Essentially P3D remains FSX (or ESP) at its core level however tweaks and enhancements are made on an ongoing basis.  Below is the current list of changes in the latest release.  Up to users as to whether this constitutes a deal breaker for them or prefer to remain with the known FSX app.

I'd just like to add that I'm in no way affiliated with LM or P3D and just an enthusiast looking for that sim pot of gold.



Prepar3D® Version 1.3 Release Notes / Change Log
After receiving great feedback from our SW Forum users, we have implemented new application enhancements and made fixes to improve stability and usability of Prepar3D®.
New Simulator Enhancements

ExternalSim based SimObjects can now participate in Air Traffic Control distributed simulation/multi-player sessions
The simulation can now play sound when it does not have focus in Windows
Accessible via a checkbox in the 'Options – Settings – Sound' menu
Or as the 'MUTE_ON_LOST_FOCUS' entry in the Prepar3D.CFG file
The Prepar3D Learning Center sound article has been updated with details on this change
Used distributed simulation/multi-player mission roles will now be recycled
If a player leaves the distributed simulation session their role will be recycled back to available so that the player can re-join or a new player can take their role
Ground Vehicles can now support left and right wheel animations
Custom weather themes are now supported and will be loaded into the simulation
The Prepar3D Learning Center weather themes article has been updated with details on this new feature
Performance Improvements

Default performance configurations have been updated to reflect new updates to the user interface and performance profiles
User Interface Updates

Two additional levels of detail (LOD) are now available for the Terrain LOD Radius slider
Very Large (5.5) and Extremely Large (6.5) are now available options
The existing 'WideViewAspect' configuration setting in the Prepar3D.CFG file for wide screen monitors is now accessible via a checkbox in the 'Options-Settings-Display' user interface
Simple and advanced control settings sections have been redesigned and simplified in the 'Options-Settings-Controls' user interface
Air Traffic Control (ATC) window is now resizable
Minimum sizes have been enforced when resizing the multi-player chat, ATC and learning center windows
Modeless windows now return the focus back to the main application when closed
The "minutes until session starts" notice in multi-player exercises can be expanded up to 100 minutes
Tooltips have been added to the multi-player user interface to give more detail on available settings
Content Updates

Updated airport geometry, taxiways and aprons for
Langley Air Force Base (KLFI)
Orlando Executive Airport (KORL)
Eglin Air Force Base (KVPS)
SimConnect and Software Development Kit (SDK) Enhancements for Developers

The first pass of a Content Error Reporting System is complete
More details are available in the SDK about how to enable with the ContentErrorLogging flag in your Prepar3D.CFG file
Asserts caused by content in the simulation will now be logged for developers to reference and fix
SimStart and SimStop now function correctly
Known Issues Resolved

Autogen and new season textures are now fully loaded after a change during runtime
Time of day, season and weather information are now set, saved and loaded from FLT files
Fixed an issue with the menu system not properly shutting down on exit with additional third party menu add-ons installed
Several controls settings that were not being saved are now being saved
Two controllers of the same type and name are now supported and can now be used in Prepar3D (including XBOX 360 controllers)
'CTRL-SHIFT-?' now loads the Prepar3D Learning Center
Fixed several errors that would prevent multi-player client missions from being loaded
Fixed a program crash on exit if a user deletes their AppData and ProgramData directories
Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair

Nat Crea

I actually got better performance with P3D 1.2, but had to can it because
the multi-channel system was not up to scratch.
Looking forward to testing 1.3.

As for "Academic" pricing....I got excited till I saw this:

Quote"The academic version of Prepar3D has an unobtrusive watermark in the top right corner of the simulation."

Not sure how bad it looks, but with a 3 channel system, I dont think it will be pretty.
Guys running TH2Go visuals should be OK?



Quote from: melnato on March 26, 2012, 07:20:22 PM

I actually got better performance with P3D 1.2, but had to can it because the multi-channel system was not up to scratch.
Looking forward to testing 1.3.


Did you test P3D with your whole system including all your hardware, SimA and your existing scenery add-ons and if not, what did you exclude in your testing and/or what did not work?

Same question to Ken by the way  :)

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Hi Maurice, in my case I tested v1.1 on the full sim with Sim-A last year and found no problem but was less than impressed with the performance at the time.  There was no issue with Sim-A or other components utilizing FSUIPC as Pete Dowson added direct support for P3D quite early on.  I will be loading v1.3 on the full sim with Sim-A etc. this afternoon and will offer a report on my findings.  I think Nat is interested in the multichannel component whereas I will be using it with a single PC and a TH2GO.  In my findings last year scenery could be ported easily when loaded on the same system as FSX by simply using the scenery editor and I managed to get Ultimate Traffic to work by some file copying and other jiggery pokery however many developers such as Orbx are now making P3D friendly versions of their scenery.  Again remembering that P3D is essentially FSX so all the parameters and functions are the same. 

In the end there may not be a lot to gain by moving over to P3D for most home users however for those like Nat using multi-PC's the multichannel function could offer more than Wideview currently does and for my commercial involvement as I said earlier, the added professional approach offered by the LM logo along with the ongoing development under the hood is a definite drawcard.

Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair


Thanks Ken. I wasn't planning on trying P3D but there was always that nagging thought that maybe I should. But since I use a TripleHead and there does not appear to be significant improvements with frame rates (or any improvement for that matter), I'll wait until they improve the graphics engine. That may never happen but who knows?  :)


Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

Nat Crea


I gave P3D 1.2 a real good crack, and found the frames and fluidity excellent...even
with Bloom!!! (never been able to use that in FSX)

The multi-channel in 1.2 was a pain to be honest, it worked, but with too many limitations. I have downloaded 1.3 but yet to test...hoping it may convince me to
jump ship :)



I'm liking v1.3.

Some early observations after loading P3D v1.3 on our 777 sim.  Basically it works great and certainly as smooth as its FSX counterpart.  I installed and ran it then configured settings identical to FSX including cfg mods such as Affinity Mask and Bufferpools.  Also added nvidia inspector support to P3D.exe.  It runs on its own SSD on an overclocked i7980x with an nVidia GTX480 video card connected to a TH2GO out to 3 projectors for a 210 degree FOV using 3 undocked views and Sol7 warping software.  We have a separate Sim-A PC for avionics display and a PC running the Sim-A server along with InterfaceIT management app. running a full FDS shell.  The current version of FSUIPC was installed which has native support for P3D and WideFS connected without a hitch.  Also copied the FSUIPC.ini file from the FSX installation so all controllers worked without having to recalibrate.

They have definitely done some work on the graphics engine as buildings appear more 3D and night lighting is much improved overall and the water effects are really lovely.  You appear to get the FSX equivalent of 2xHigh for the performance of 1xHigh however the overall water appearance is noticeably better at all levels in my opinion.

So what worked:

  • Sim-A
  • FSUIPC & WideFS
  • Sol7
  • InterfaceIT (doesn't have any connection with flightsim as such but thought it wise to mention)
  • FDS Radios and XPNDR (after creating a separate startup batch file)
  • Addon scenery and mesh after pointing to the FSX install from P3D's scenery library (Please note that you will need the appropriate individual P3D license to port your FSX scenery)
  • REX2.0 after pointing to the P3D.cfg and .exe directory and running the texture update (I understand Rex Extreme will have full P3D support)

What didn't:

  • Ultimate Terrain *
  • GEX *
  • UT2 *
  • Wideview (P3D has its own multichannel software support using a form of Multiplayer config - yet to be sorted)

* NOTE: Flight1's position on P3D support is "Not at this time"!  So don't expect to get things like UT2, GEX & UTX to talk to it any time in the future.


Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair


Thank you for that informative review Ken.   I have been watching this thread with great interest.   I am glad you pointed out the lack of support for GEX and UTX as I really like those two addons though I am guessing wouldn't matter much if fling in Orbx owned scenery areas.   I do own the Australia ORBX scenery and a few airports which is fantastic.   Also have all the NA regions.   

Anyway, does Active sky work as well or are you just using the Rex weather generator?

Thanks again,


AAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!!! Stop the world... I  want to get off. Technology is going to drive me to an early grave.  :'(

To paraphrase one somewhat famous sayings by a mobster, I want to get out but they (technology & this forum in my case) keep pulling me back in. I would have jumped for joy just a few years ago to have half of what I have now , but now this isn't good enough anymore.

I thought that the end of FSX would at last mean the end of never ending upgrades. And now P3D re-ignites the cycle or Xplane will become a viable better option for cockpit builders. When will this madness end? ::)

This is almost enough to drive me to switch from Diet Coke to one of the new 'energy' drinks  ;D

I must resist...I must resist .... I must resist  ... I must resist

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Lol, Maurice resistance is useless!

Scott, haven't tried Active Sky yet but have heard it's possible to port but I believe that HiFi Technologies is working on P3D support for the latest upgrade of AS2012.

Intel i73770K | 16Gb RAM | GTX680 | Win7-64 | TH2GO | 3 x 42" FHD LCD TV's | FDS CDU | OC MCP, EFIS, COMMS | Aerosim Throttle | Sim-Avionics DSTD+ | FSX P3D XP10 | FTX | FSGRW | REX2E | Aivlasoft EFB| PFPX | FTG |Kennair


Hey Ken,

Did you happen to try any Megascenery?   Also, did Squakbox and Simconnect work with it?


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