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Real 737 Sounds.. 0-250kts

Started by MLeavy737, August 15, 2011, 08:11:24 PM

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Hey all,
  A few were asking about what it really sounds like from inside the flightdeck on takeoff.. Like i said.. bunch of air and things shaking around.. Not as fun as the new NGX from what i hear :)

First one is a 737-500 and the other is a 737-900.


Mike L
The 737 800/900... Fastest airplane with the gear down!


carlos hermida


I am joining these guys. Thank you Mike


After leaving the ground, it seems like the wind noise is louder than the engine sounds, at least in the 900. Or more likely you hear a combination of both. Still, I would have thought the engines would be louder but maybe that's only if you are sitting behind the wing.

Anyway, quite interesting.

Thanks Mike,

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada



Thank you for making it real...as in REALLY REAL!
You the Master of NO P-Key!

Have a few questions for you:

1. On the -900 there is that (what I believe) the nose gear noise that sounds like a jack-screw; it's like the sound of a Jack Hammer, but getting tighter in sound like tightening a large screw. What is that sound exactly and where does it originate from, or centralized?

2. You do hear the engines whine for the first part, but as you said, it is pretty quite...so to speak. Do you notice the delay of the engine sound (spool up) from the throttle up point? Is that noticeable to you...the delay?

3. Do you and the other PF or PNF follow the checklist like normal or is mostly shortened up? Unless, the microphone didn't pick you guys up that well?

4. The Trim wheel sounds a bit loud; maybe, that is due the microphone placement? Where did you have your cell phone at when recording anyway?

Finally, not related to sound, but the ears no less. Do you experience the popping of the ears all that much anymore? If a passenger who only flies once in a while notices it the most, so would a crew member (in the cockpit), who flies often barely notice it?

Thank you again,

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


Quote from: maurice on August 16, 2011, 10:29:53 AM
After leaving the ground, it seems like the wind noise is louder than the engine sounds,

On my previous Sim I had PMSound on all computers, one of them driving only one wav. :the wind sound . Two good speakers hooked to that PC and located at the base of the windshield did the trick as the wav. gets louder with speed.
It had another Plus, when at altitude and starting the descent you throttle back to near idle and you can faintly hear the engines spooling down but the wind sound remains basically at the same level , very immersive.


Bob Reed

The deal is, most of us have never flown in the cockpit of a 737 (your plane here) so what sounds real to us is what we hear when we fly. When we hear that sound our minds say, hey we are flying.


   Yes the wind noise overpowers the engines shortly after takeoff like i was saying.. Behind the engines in the back you just hear engine wind noise, in front of the engine like in first class or so you hear that nice buzsaw engine sound, and in the flightdeck you hear what i recorded :)

    1) that sound is the nose wheel spinning down to a stop in the well.. There are snubbers in the wheel well that are supposed to help stop the wheel however they didnt seem to work that good on that one that day.
    2) Part of the delay is procedure.. Slowly bring power up to 40% and let them settle in.. then bring power up slowly, at 70% hit TOGA buttons and let the autothrottles move them to TO power setting.. then call "Check Power".. If you just throw power in there from idle you can find yourself in the grass pretty fast.. the first 40% of power never comes in at the same rate on engines.. one is always lagging initially.
    3) Checklist are most definately used.. There is no Make it up as you go.. The before TO checklist was already complete.. After TO there is a flow consisting of 7 items.. The PNF reads the checklist which has 3 things on it.. From that point on the next checklist is only done on the InRange.. Thats passing through FL180 on descent. there is no climb, cruise, or initial descent checklist.
    4) The trim wheels are indeed loud, thats just the way they are. Phone was up on the side window.
    5) Ear popping i dont even notice it anymore, just something you do automatically.. Sometimes get annoying sinus blocks during the summer allergy times or when just over a cold.. Its something that happens to everyone the same i think. Its just how much you notice it.

I think as far as the engines alot of the feedback comes from vibration that cant really be reproduced in our sims (not yet anyhow on a normal budget).  Like Bob said you have to go what sounds right for you. 

Mike L
The 737 800/900... Fastest airplane with the gear down!



Thank you for all your help. It is so cool that we have a "Resident Pilot" here on CB. If you don't mind that title?

Anyway, to your responses:

1. Have read about those snubbers, but didn't know they made that sound till now. However, you say it was not working so good that day, so if it is working correctly, does the sound become quieter and shorter in length, or do you even hear this at all (if it is working correctly)?

2. So, it's 70%? You let the engines settle at 40%, you're holding the brakes manually on, and then you release them at the same time you reach 70% and hit TOGA...is that correct?

3. Okay, about checklist. Kind of figured it was just the cell phone not hearing your voices, and the fact that you had already completed them.

4. That Trim Wheel is really loud or it sounds like it based on where your phone was. Although, once you get to cruise, the movements are small, so you wouldn't hear it like that (loud) for the entire flight right?

5. The ear pressure popping; kind of figured it would be similar, but less noticeable for you in the cockpit, none the less, you do feel the effects though. No way to recreate that in a sim.

As for the vibration, that is interesting to think about. The engines are causing vibrations, so if one were to have a way to generate that vibration to the floor and seat, it might give the illusion right. There are the "Butt Kickers", but does anyone know if they could work with the engine vibrations, if a special wave file was created to do this?

The question is, what other type of device would do it? A large off balance spinner would create vibration like the stick shacker, a small off balance spinner would be like a hand held massager. Therefore, getting something that is big enough, but would be variable in speed, and at least two devices would be needed for slow spin and fast spin.

This would provide the bigger or heavier low felt vibrations, as well as the smaller or lighter felt vibrations. Plus, a way to phase them in and out from each other. An example (not an example to use, but analogy) of the sounding would be like a small palm hand sander and large car waxer/polisher....

Does anyone know what PM Sound/FSUIPC offset would work to trigger engine sounds or something similar?

Thanks again Mike,

| FSX | FDS-MIP OVRHD SYS CARDS FC1| PM | PMDG 737-700 | UTX | GEX | UT7 | ASE | REX2 | AES | TSR | IS | TOPCAT | AvilaSoft EFB | OC CARDS & OVRHD GAUGES| SIMKITS | SW 3D Lights | FS2CREW2010 | FSXPassengers | Flight1 AE | MATROX TH2GO-D | NTHUSIM | 3-Mits EW230Ust Proj |


LOL   BSD, you should forget about building a simulator and buy a used 737 instead so that you can fly it and get all the real sounds & vibrations

Seriously now, aren't you just a bit too pre-occupied with reality? As I said before, it's not about reality at all but about creating the illusion of reality. You are sounding like you will never be totally happy with anything that does not exactly replicate a real cockpit.

Stop torturing yourself and enjoy flying with what you have even if it's not 'real'.  :).  The new PMDG sounds and your bass shaker I'm sure will make your sim super fantastic. No harm trying to further improve the sounds but get over achieving or replicating reality. You'll be much happer in the long run  :)

That's the advice from some old fart who had all the same unrealistic expectations until he realized he needed to lower his expectations & actually do some flying before he lands 6 ft under  ;D

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

Joe Lavery

Well said Maurice, I think I've been along that path too and come to precisely the same conclusion.
Over the past two weeks I've had the company of my old instructor, (PPL) who is now a captain on a Lear. While my sim is nothing like as complete as some of the guys here, he thought it was awesome.

I'm sure I will be regularly updating my sim, but I'm certainly enjoying flying it at the same time.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain

Journalist - writer for  PC Pilot Magazine

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