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Visuals Set Up

Started by usafgadget, January 21, 2011, 02:23:08 PM

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Mau, that is stunning. Except the color part. Are you sure there's nothing quirky with that center projector? Guess not, since as you pointed out that in the single view it doesnt do it, duh! Stunning at that size.
Eric Tomlin
Flight Line Simulations
www.FlightLineSimulations.com (new site)
Integral Lighted Panels, Products, Consultation, & Suppliers


Quote from: maurice on January 28, 2011, 10:35:46 AM

Are there some Mega titles that do not show the seasons (mine do not but they are old). The FAQ states that :" What About Seasons?
It's an almost impossible task to create scenery for all four seasons. The data isn't available and it would quadruple your install size. Most images in Megascenery are taken in the spring and the same scenery will display regardless of whatever season you have set.?

So, do you know if I would I need to buy the same areas again or is there an update to add season's? How can I be sure I don't get the ones with no season's?


Maurice....I must apologize.    I just checked again (using my desktop sim with the same tiles) and you are right.   There is only one season and night.    I guess I was seeing GEX fall colors.     I just did some fall and winter and see exactly what you saw.   I guess I never noticed flying in California (because they dont have any seasons) but loading in Chicago only one season...summer I think.

Here is a screenshot to illustrate.    This is taken in Winter right on the line between where a megascenery tile ends and normal GEX begins just west of Chicago.   Clearly Megascenery overwrote the Winter with a Summer tile.   Bummer.   And I apologize for being misleading though I really thought there was fall tiles.   I guess GEX is really good!

Anyway, I can live with it for the framerate increase and just turn it off when I really want winter. Again, sorry to have mislead.


I also bought FSAltitude a while back and was also disappointed that there was only one season. Well half the year at least you can fly without worrying about not seeing snow  :)


Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada

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