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New 737 build, FDS or Simworld for MIP and parts?

Started by Philip, April 24, 2016, 11:24:10 AM

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Greetings from California,

I've been lurking on the forums here for the last year or so. Its finally time to get off the desktop and get a real 737 sim started. I've been looking at many suppiers, but believe I have narrowed it down to FDS & Simworld. I came across a detailed Simworld MIP video on youtube and it looks perfect to me. I haven't been able to find many  FDS videos that showcase their products like the Simworld videos. I'm looking to get the most realistic parts and would appreciate anyones feedback as to why they would choose one supplier over the other. Hoping to place an order with one of these suppliers within the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for your time,

bernard S

Now that simstack have arinic feeds why even bother with simulated items ?


Quote from: bernard S on April 24, 2016, 01:04:10 PM
Now that simstack have arinic feeds why even bother with simulated items ?

Bernard, have you tried the foundation board plus the ARINC board?
Apparently it has been designed for a 747 OEMs. No x-plane proSim737 yet.

bernard S

Mr L... Since my set up is all OEM parts in short all is real, including power distribution I have the need to send and receive data for all channels for each unit i.e  XPDR I need to receive the data from the panel from both L and R etc etc etc .. I have sent an email to Rodney over at simstack seeking further clarification

I do not know if simstack applies to other setups other then the 74-4 but my guess and its a fairly safe guess  is this ARINIC is ARINIC   so why would it not work with other OEM parts regardless of aircraft type right?


Simworld has top stuff and its all fully functional gauges unlike FDS.

I'm getting a full setup from simworld there quality is amazing and scale is 1:1 unlike FDS.


Quote from: bernard S on April 25, 2016, 06:04:47 AM
Mr L... Since my set up is all OEM parts in short all is real, including power distribution I have the need to send and receive data for all channels for each unit i.e  XPDR I need to receive the data from the panel from both L and R etc etc etc .. I have sent an email to Rodney over at simstack seeking further clarification

I do not know if simstack applies to other setups other then the 74-4 but my guess and its a fairly safe guess  is this ARINIC is ARINIC   so why would it not work with other OEM parts regardless of aircraft type right?

Many thanks and we are off topic, probably we should open a new threadsince this might be of interest for many OEM users. I also contacted Rodney asking for some specifics like x-plane. I have all OEM's including MCP and CDU for my simpit, a 737-500 to NG


Quote from: Skysurfer170 on April 25, 2016, 06:35:45 AM
Simworld has top stuff..scale is 1:1 unlike FDS.

No manufactured MIP is 1:1 perfect due to the fact, among others,  that we have to use monitors instead of real displays, as well as many other structural constraints, etc
Anyway, variations are in a range of plus/minus a few  millimeters, depending on the vendors  and this is not a real issue.

Your choice must not be based on a video nor on anyone's strong opinion.
I have seen on various forums high praise of very ordinary stuff from people who were happy with what they bought but had no basis for comparison.

This is a major investment and errors can be very costly. Do not rush anything and try to see and touch the product before making up your mind.

Factors to consider:
How long the vendor has been in business
Ask for references (corporate/private clients) This could allow you to see the product and compare
Language barrier if any
Capacity to supply the whole picture, from knobs to shell, including all modules and softwares, as mixing products is always a source of issues.
Tech support
Import and custom duties  if any
Currency Forex
Shipping costs and proximity

Big decision, big money...take your time.



Quote from: jackpilot on April 25, 2016, 11:04:48 AM

Shipping costs and proximity

Big decision, big money...take your time.

Shipping for Simworld MIP to NJ, 800 Euros, for FDS 300 CAD. One criteria that helped me to decide.


For the EU countries, Simworld web prices are exclusive of 23% VAT!!



I cannot speak for Simworld and I am sure their stuff is likely good based on some feedback we have seen on the forums.  That said, I can personally vouch for FDS.  They have superb quality and have been in this business long enough tonhave "earned" their track record and reputation.   Now although you approached me for my mip and wanted a lower price which of course I was not willing to give (feeling like at $3500 is more than a fair price and there is no way you are going to come even close to that when buying a new one from FDS along with all that is needed which mine already includes).....including shipping and import fees from Canada........I would still WHOLE HEARTEDLY recommend you going to FDS for your build.   You will not be dissappointed and Peter, Steve and crew will treat you right.  Honestly...they are like part of the family of simbuilders here.

I will say no more but just want to make sure that someone with experience has said it and vouched for them....

Many builders here know FDS well and will be available to help you during your build....not so sure that is the case with Simworld.

Best of luck

Sam Llorca

Hello Philip, I have to agree with Jack,

Your choice must not be based on a video nor on anyone's strong opinion.
I have seen on various forums high praise of very ordinary stuff from people who were happy with what they bought but had no basis for comparison.

Best regards,

bernard S

I might as well chime in here....hate me or love me its the same either way for me LOL :Not my intent to start a war over which is better aircraft:  From his previous posts he seems set on as real as it gets: I for one am a strong advocate for aircraft items, the most expensive cost is space and ceiling height for a shell its that simple if you do not have a dedicated home space then only other option is build or lease; So lets assume he has the space and ceiling height. and he wants to do a 74 rather than a 73 at the end of the day its cheaper and way way faster : Its smaller than you think so lets say a 74 shell is 12k this is what you get for 12k

With a real shell you get Control Wheels and Uprights, Rudders, Tiller (already crossed linked), location points, Trim Throttle etc . everything is there except seats and populating the deck with panels a real MCP is cheaper than simulated go figure? so to me its a no brainer the outlay might be a hurtful but the cool factor how much is that worth?

Also with the 74 you get dedicated software in the way of PSX and its does everything the aircraft systems does, plus there are add ons that would blow your mind the only thing you have top do is decide what you want to do for your out the window view  xplane MSF etc  so you know if you get real panels they are going to work as they do in the aircraft including ACP RCP Transponder MCP etc etc

1x 400hz converter yes you can run it on 240 and 6dc power jobbies  40 something relays and bingo it powers up and the lighting works as the aircraft does  whats that worth in terms of time?  sure you need to be able to read a WDM and get your hands on one but they are out there...  4 pots for the TQ and 6 pots for rest of aircraft now your flying PSX as your base software.. aircraft parts are often cheaper than simulated and you may need some arinic feeds but simstack have taken care of that one sure its a pain picking out each wire and labeling it before hand , but identify the bundles then the single wire

As for the MIP its there in the deck right... do what every one else does add 20 inch acers and that's your PFD and your ND taken care of same solution as the 73 boys for upper and lowers.

I just think that a real 73 is too much work starting out unless you have big bucks and can get a 73NG  LOLOL .. However I suggest contact some people on here on here and ask if you can visit I for  one am open to that.. and ask your questions do your due diligence have no doubts this is a very expensive "hobby" and mistakes in the beginning can be costly its worth the air tickets because you will save the money in do overs



Thank you for the replies everyone. Since this is my first build and we'd like it up and running sooner than later, we will just stay the course and stick with the replica parts. I'd love to get the actual parts from real aircraft, but the time to find all the individual pieces, having bidding wars, learning from scratch how to hook it all up....I'd have to balance it out with the most supportive wife, very active 7yr old, and an 8 month old. Easier to go this route for now.

Very good point about the support from FDS. Everything I have read on forums the past year seems to all be saying the same about FDS. Simworld has really cranked it up lately, but visually from what I can tell both suppliers look spot on.

I have asked FDS for references for people in my area, but they have a policy to not share that info, which is understandable. They did say Boeing is a big customer year after year in the Seattle area, and I could ask them, but its a bit of a hike from me.

So here goes an all out calling to anyone in the San Francisco area, who wouldn't mind me dropping by to check out your set up. I'll bring lunch.  ;D


Philip, I live in Morgan Hill pm me I may be able to help you...


Philip, I understand your dilemma and my journey started with Hispapanels to OC followed by Sismo Soluciones and SimWorld. I ended up  with FDS because of many factors that are too long for this thread. There are others that are not accessible to the regular customers but the products are excellent. At the end, it depends what you want but I developed the taste for fidelity in a 7 years period. If this is your quest, you will end up with OEM's and doing a lot of conversion. The good part is that many has done it before you and they are all in this forum to help. One day I stated here  that ones my 738 is done, I will add a turboprop. Ray was right, a Sim is never finished.

At the end, OEMs will end up costing the same as replicas but the immersion factor is just second to none.
My point is, don't agonize too much about your first step because at the end and to Bernard's point, down the line you will end up with a 74.

My 2 cents


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