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Reset/push to test annunciators

Started by fsaviator, January 07, 2015, 10:04:19 PM

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I am interested in adding reset/push-to-test functionality to my MIP annuniciators.

I have the hardware side (SPST switch and led) figured out and sourced.

Is the right answer hardware driven (i.e. zener diodes and circuits within the switch) or can this be done via interface boards and software?  Please speak up if my assumptions below are incorrect:

-The annunciator lighting up when MIP test/Dim/Bright switch activated is taken care of as an output from the interface and Prosim.  Correct?

-The annunciator lighting up as designed for appropriate notification and being reset when pushed is taken care of by the same output above, and an input via the switch in Prosim.  Correct?

-will that same input/output pair handle just pushing the annunicator to get it to light up (test)?  Is that test functionality built in to Prosim?

Note:  Should have originally stated:  I have SIOC cards, pokeys cards, Bodnar cards, Sismo cards and Simtech cards available for the interface

That is this weekends project so that I can button up my new MIP and slide it in to place in my shell.

Warren "FSAviator"
http://www.B737NG-Sim.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/fsaviator/
P3D45/ Prosim737 2/ ACE Dual-linked Yokes/ RevSim Proline TQ and Dual-linked Rudders/ CPFlight MCP PRO3 and EFIS'; MIP737ICS_FULL and SIDE737; Forward and Aft Overheads; Pedestal/ FDS MIP


Can someone with a little more electronics experience than me tell me if this circuit looks feasible?

-One side of the DPDT (NC) switch is the normal annunciator connection to the interface card (CPFlight MIP737SE in this case).

-The other side of the DPDT (NO) switch is connected to constant 5VDC.

-pushing the switch opens the normal annunciator circuit and closes the 5VDC to light annunciators

The LEDS are regulated to 5VDC with resistors.

In the circuit I am concerned that the negatives are common coming off the resistors, then split to the two circuits.

Warren "FSAviator"
http://www.B737NG-Sim.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/fsaviator/
P3D45/ Prosim737 2/ ACE Dual-linked Yokes/ RevSim Proline TQ and Dual-linked Rudders/ CPFlight MCP PRO3 and EFIS'; MIP737ICS_FULL and SIDE737; Forward and Aft Overheads; Pedestal/ FDS MIP


Quote from: fsaviator on January 11, 2015, 12:29:27 AM
Can someone with a little more electronics experience than me tell me if this circuit looks feasible?

-One side of the DPDT (NC) switch is the normal annunciator connection to the interface card (CPFlight MIP737SE in this case).

-The other side of the DPDT (NO) switch is connected to constant 5VDC.

-pushing the switch opens the normal annunciator circuit and closes the 5VDC to light annunciators

The LEDS are regulated to 5VDC with resistors.

In the circuit I am concerned that the negatives are common coming off the resistors, then split to the two circuits.


Hi Warren,

your drawing/  wiring would be more like the real one is done, BUT FS world (IO) is different ...

The main problem is you cannot have with most IO boards, included FDS, OC, Sismo ...) the same common/ ground for outputs because those cards work with grouped common/ minus.
So if one output of a group gets its positive to e.g. a Led then its common/ minus for that group of 8 (e.g. FDS) or 9 (e.g. OC) outputs is active every couple milliseconds only. That happens to any common/ minus group, one after each other.

So having the common/ minus of a group connected with a different group will minimum harm the board to function anymore correct but most likely it will destroy the board.

There are only two ways to have that function:
The test Led needs to have a full independent isolated circuit,
or you use IO boards like Phidgets 16/16/0 as they have a common minus for Inputs and Outputs and you can even use different power for each Input and Output as long the are all with their common minus combined, e.g. 5V/ 12V/ 28V all connected to the same card.

The only other option is to have the momentary switch of the annunciator connected to an Input of an e.g. FDS board and the software needs to switch the Output of that annunciator to ON.
Best Regards
Thomas Richter


Can this help ?

I have a good dozen of these, wan'them?



Thanks Thomas,
That is what I kind of figured.  Just wanted to check to make sure before I went live.  The correct answer is beyond the scope of what I want to tackle right now.  Who knows, maybe the function will be available through software at some point.

Jack...  as much as I would like to, way outside the budget I have left to add a feature that is window dressing.

It was just something I was looking at since I had the MIP in pieces and out of the shell.  This will go into the build 3.0 list I think.

Thanks guys.
Warren "FSAviator"
http://www.B737NG-Sim.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/fsaviator/
P3D45/ Prosim737 2/ ACE Dual-linked Yokes/ RevSim Proline TQ and Dual-linked Rudders/ CPFlight MCP PRO3 and EFIS'; MIP737ICS_FULL and SIDE737; Forward and Aft Overheads; Pedestal/ FDS MIP



Not certain what the inputs from the annunciator are meant to do on your circuit, however, if we are dealing with combinations of inputs/outputs then I would expect a SIOC mastercard to handle this rather than hard wiring a circuit.


The OC mastercards and/or Outputs card do not have "outputs" grouped in sections of 8 or 9. With Mastercards all outputs have a common negative ground, whereas the Output cards have common positives, again with no "grouping"


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