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archen's project

Started by archen, February 15, 2014, 07:56:37 AM

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Hey Guys,
For the first time in very long time I've been doing some work on my sim so I thought I would start a topic where I can share some photos of my project.

Today I made some work with a real landing gear lever and FDS MIP.

At first I didn't know how to mount it but I decided to use the original mounts on the MIP and the gear lever. I removed the black cover on the gear lever and used the holes to attach my own bracket to be able to use the mounts already on the MIP.

This bracket will hold the lever in position. Now I needed to make it more stable so I decided to use the original bracket on the lower part of the lever. I had to make a little piece which I cut with a slope to fit the angle between MIP base and bracket on the lever.

Now that I know how to mount it I'll remove it again to add some interface and paint the bracket in green to match the rest of the lever.

It's really strong now and will not move at all. Very happy with the result. If I need to make it even more stable I can use the upper mounts on the lever and attach that to the glarewing assembly.

Here's some pictures:

Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.


I like that!

Being more a"mechanical" than a "software" wizard I can appreciate the "adapting" challenge of real parts, which are always a treat to deal with.

Have fun
Pics welcome.



Steve Cos
Flightdeck Solutions, Newmarket Ontario,Canada
Special Projects and Technical Support


Thanks guys! One thing I noticed when mounting the lever is that FDS's design is so much better than simworld. Simworld frame is too  high so in my older simworld MIP u had to cut the frame in half to accommodate the lever.

FDS frame is lower so as you can see the lever fits nicely without any modifications. I think this will design will also be better when it's time for the monitors.

Here's some more pictures, here you can see the bracket which will hold the switches for UP, OFF, DN.

This will also be painted and installed once switches is installed, didn't have any so I'll need to order some.

I'll also cut off the excessive metal from the lever once finished. It will then flush with the rest of the MIP on the backside.

Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.


Thanks Anders for sharing your work, looks impressive! I'm also very happy with my FDS MIP.


Some more work today. Made a new bracket to accommodate a Dsub connector. Tomorrow I'll cut off excessive materials in the back of the lever.

Will also receive the switches tomorrow but PPL study tomorrow so I don't know if I will be able to test them.

I also disassembled the lever to prepare repaint of the shaft and trigger.

Some pictures:

Color match is not perfect but it's ok. Color does not even match on the sides and the top of the OEM part.

Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.


More pictures from yesterday's work.

Crimping all D-sub connectors. Highly recommended!

Cutted off non used space:
Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.


Gear project is finished!

My next project will be to make a holder for the LCD-monitors and install them. I'll be looking at something similar to what FDS offers.
Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.


Steve Wekarchuk



Now I have completed the monitor mounting for CPT and FO. At first I was thinking about to make something similar to FDS LCD holders but just when I was going to take measures of the monitor and the MIP I got a new idea which I could manufacture right away as I had the necessary materials already.

I'm very happy how it turned out. Screen is very very stable and I saved a lot space for other stuff now.

I don't know if you can see in the pictures but I changed the acrylic windows for real smoked glass. What a difference!! Highly recommended. Windows doesn't flex 1mm. So nice look and feel. Also helps out on contrast.

I used existing screws and holes for my holders so I didn't have to drill anything in the MIP which I'm glad for.

Well here's the pictures:

Some soft material to protect the monitor and make a good solid installation:

Lower brackets:

Upper bracket before second paint:

Lower bracket installed:

Upper bracket installed:

Right side if the monitor:

Back cover reinstalled after some cutouts:

CPT side

The backside:

Front side
Anders Simparts
Selling "Hard-to-get" simparts like authentic Engine starters, Autobrake, IRS mode selectors and N1&SPD Ref Switches.

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