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Video Favorites

Started by XOrionFE, February 15, 2013, 03:36:06 AM

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Thought it would be great to have a thread where everyone posts there favorite videos related to flying and our hobby.

Here are a couple I really enjoy watching.





I don't like them at all; they make my videos look like crap by comparison :) .

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


That top one really shows off the awesome clouds in XP10 ;)
Less than 4 years to retirement......


Quote from: jskibo on February 15, 2013, 06:49:26 AM
That top one really shows off the awesome clouds in XP10 ;)

:P  :'(  ;D
Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Maurice, don't worry about your videos. I had a captain friend in my home last Wednesday to show him my sim. Before that I showed him your videos without telling him what they are about. He was very concerned about a single pilot flying a 737 into that Greenland airport without a first officer.

After that I showed him my sim and he understood what the video was all about.

That means ... your videos are just as cool and awesome. Publish more  :)



Thanks Axel but I'm afraid my videos are becoming a bit too repetitive & frankly boring I think. Maybe if I make one where I lose control & crash, that could be a bit more interesting  ;D . Otherwise, I will need to wait until I find some other very interesting airport with a very difficult approach & put in some rough weather as well (too many KaiTak videos on YouTube already :)

But I really think we need to see some videos from Scott now so that we can all drool  :)

Gravenhurst, Ontario - Canada


Mau, your being too hard on yourself. Everyone enjoys your video's.  Keep them coming!

Great videos Scott.



Thanks Gary

Yes, Gary is right Maurice, I really enjoy yours.    I like watching procedures.     I would like to see more like that and from others as well.    I will post some more in mine once I have Don over or someone else to fly while I film.   Also someone like Don who is very good at flying the 737 because I have a long way to go yet.



I have to say if a camera crew followed me around I don't know how exciting it would be seeing different holiday inn rooms and takeaway pizza????
One wheel landings, tail scrapes... just doing my best!!
737 classic sim. Xplane 10 64bit on 3 i5 pc's. FDS IBL overhead, FDS CDU's & CCU's, Simvionics Panels, CP Flight MCP/EFIS, engravity & homemade MIP, prosim737, project magenta, GLB interior panels.


Quote from: rhysb on February 15, 2013, 01:16:07 PM
I have to say if a camera crew followed me around I don't know how exciting it would be seeing different holiday inn rooms and takeaway pizza????

I just like the flying and cockpit footage in that one.


Wow cool videos Scott!  put together like that it makes airline flying seem so cool! lol

Still trying to get up there someday so we can do some flying again. Ill be in KORD tomorrow for an hour or so, guess that wont work too good though :)

hopefully soon..

Mike L.
The 737 800/900... Fastest airplane with the gear down!


Have these been posted?  A couple more from GolfCharlie232.  he's got some editing skills, and a cool job!



After watching his videos, I feel like running out to get apply at the airlines.  I'm using these videos to subconsciously convince my daughter she wants to be an airline pilot instead of a fashion designer...  what the hell does an 11 year old know about what they want to do for the rest of their life, anyway?  :laugh:
Warren "FSAviator"
http://www.B737NG-Sim.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/fsaviator/
P3D45/ Prosim737 2/ ACE Dual-linked Yokes/ RevSim Proline TQ and Dual-linked Rudders/ CPFlight MCP PRO3 and EFIS'; MIP737ICS_FULL and SIDE737; Forward and Aft Overheads; Pedestal/ FDS MIP

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